
Totem Lake, Kirkland

Totem Lake is more of a little nature-trail-slash-boardwalk, rather than a walk-walk. We managed to turn it into at least a 2-mile walk, though. In fact, tricky as it was, we managed to circumnavigate it. We were quite determined! It started out as a little trek down the boardwalk and standing against the fence to watch dozens swallows perform their amazing aerobatics. Then we grabbed ourselves a cattail and meandered down a little unused trail, where I fluffed up the cattail and Pete munched on the blackberries. Note to self: go back there in a week or two to gather berries for a yummy pie. We still had time to kill, so we headed the other direction around the lake. The nature trail pretty much ended at the gas station and a street, but we kept following the sidewalk, stopped at a couple interpretive signs, then headed down the railroad track. Our chance of finding our way around the lake seemed unpromising. We kept following the railroad track though, until we finally found a dry spot to cut across through the woods. We ended up in the parking lot of a Nintendo customer service center. Again, it didn't look very promising. It pretty much looked like a little mountain we needed to cut across, and then there was a swampy wetland down below us. Somehow, we managed to find a dry trail, which led us to some apartments and a hotel parking lot. Voila! Back to the beginning. I could proudly say that we circumnavigated Totem Lake, and I relived the type of adventure I used to have all the time in my late teens/young adulthood, when I used to get lost in some woods and try to find my way out. Now that's what I call a Date Night with my wonderful, adventuresome hubby!
          I have one other memory of Totem Lake. That's where Desiree collected a sample of water for the 6th grade science fair project. We discovered Totem Lake water helps grass to grow like crazy, compared to other water sources. Totem Lake is thriving and full of life and full of natural fertilizers!

Location & Parking:
Go to the Totem Lake Shopping Center in Kirkland. Totem Lake is tucked somewhat behind Big 5, by the old movie theater complex. I think the Hotel where the boardwalk starts is called the Carlton Inn. I found the birds at Totem Lake much more fascinating to watch than the ones at nearby Denny's Pet World. Here is a website dedicated to birdwatching at Totem Lake: Birder Central.

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